Thursday, November 21, 2002

First Karmatetra Blog

Don't you think that Karmatera has a nice rhythm to it? The Karmatetra blog is my place on the web, in which I can expouse my unrestrained, pseudo-scientific, philosophical babble.

Karmatetra is my invention; a joining of Karma from Sanskrit meaning "deed" and tetra from Latin meaning "four". I thought it would be interesting to create a name from both eastern and western roots. This reflects my own desire to form a synthesis, within myself, of the best of both eastern and western traditions.

So, Karmatetra means "four deeds". I try to remember to do these four things every day:

• Be Generous
• Be Compassionate
• Be Patient
• Be Intelligent

Tetra also represents the tetrahedron. I would like to reference R. Buckminster Fuller's "Synergetics" Figure 542.02 - Tetrahedral Analysis of Plato's Triad. Bucky added SELF to Plato's triad of TRUTH, BEAUTY and SYMMETRY. The triad is flat, planar and therefore, non-existent in the 3-dimensional universe. Adding SELF creates a tetrahedron which is in Bucky's words the, "unique symmetrical set of minimum interrelationships". It is the the primary system of intellect; SELF witnessing the universe of TRUTH, BEAUTY and SYMMETRY. It is the observer-plus-the-observed.

I owe a lot of my inspiration to R. Buckminster Fuller and his many incredible writings. To really understand the universe, you should read Synergetics, Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking and Synergetics 2 now fully integrated into one volume online by Robert W. Gray.

If you get a chance please visit the full, unabashed Karmatetra website.