Sunday, January 02, 2011

Bucky's Brain

Conceptuality: a Synergetics Approach to Discontinuity - Part II

Now that you have TASTED a sip of the Amrita of Bucky's mind in my post "Discontinuity" you have established a new and vital relationship, you have created a connection between your mind and Bucky's mind.

Reading Bucky's writings has stretched your mind. You have been flexible in your perspective in order to try and grok Bucky's mind. I say "mind" instead of "brain" because Bucky would have made this technical distinction. I admit the phrase "Bucky's Brain" has a nice ring to it, but his brain was just a physical organ that is no longer operational, however, his mind is very much active by continuing to create sympathetic resonant waves (or spiraling mental events) in the minds of living humans.

It is fantastic to see the truth of spirals, waves, planes, lines, points and other geometric systems from Bucky's perspective. It is important to realize that these very same words which were taught at an early age represent concepts that are no longer valid. We must redefine these words in order to elevate our awareness of the truth of reality; a significant challenge for us to stretch our own minds.

Bucky presents a new paradigm for Conceptuality. For example, the concept that every event having six vectors is strange when we read it for the first time. Did you have difficulty with this idea?

The concept that every event having six vectors is not fully explained in the sections of Conceptuality that I referred to in my post on Discontinuity, however, if you dug deeper into the chapter on Conceptuality in Synergetics you may have discovered the reason for six vectors. Here is a hint from the reading material:

519.02 ... Any conceptual event in Universe must have insideness and outsideness. This is a fundamentally self organizing principle.


523.03 In a structural system, the number of vertexes is always divisible by four and the number of triangle edges is always divisible by six.

Elsewhere in Synergetics we learn that the minimum system in Universe is the tetrahedron. Perhaps you  saw that coming (this is the Karma-tetra blog). A tetrahedron has four vertexes and six triangle edges (vectors). 

Now think about this concept of a conceptual event (which is actually a system) having insideness and outsideness. What does this mean? What is the significance of insideness and outsideness?

526.35 Systems divide all of the Universe. Thought divides all of the Universe

526.18 Insideness is the captured nothingness. Insideness becomes the conceptually embraced, system-defined space. Outsideness is the conceptual system-defined, outwardly uncaptured nothingness. Without systems there can be no space awareness. (Compare Sec.1053.824.) Systems are awareness concepts. Space is nonconceptual awareness.

The division of Universe by a system is manifest as insideness and outsideness. This is the essence of thought. 

Bucky further teaches us that insideness is captured nothingness, while outsideness is uncaptured nothingness. This can be simply understood. However, the next teaching is very significant.

Space is nonconceptual awareness. 

I believe, the term "Space" in this usage by Bucky, is identical to the Buddhist term "Sunyata" or "Emptiness.".

Wow! This may be the most spiritually significant teaching in all of Synergetics. Gotta love that mind of Bucky.

You may be thinking, "This seems like a foreign language. It is a huge information overload. Renders me emotional: What if I can't do this?  I don't have a mathematical mind."

This is not a problem. We must accept that we cannot go everywhere that Bucky could go. It may be that you cannot follow  into the depths of Bucky's mind. However, it is important that at least we have tried to stretch our minds in these new directions.

Please do not feel obligated, seduced, or terrified by these concepts from Bucky's mind. You need not surrender your mind for a reorganization or remodeling. Just keep on being you and further your own uniqueness. It is my hope that I have catalyzed a connection between your's and Bucky's mind that will benefit your understanding of the generalized principles of Universe.

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